Monday Material #6 - preparing to fire again

Published at Oct 23, 2023

Hi, almost forgot to post today, but here I am with some news, not great news, but they aren’t bad ones either

This week I did more than last, not hard considering I didn’t even touch it the week before, but started to finish implementing on the feedback that was given, saw a huge issue on the game.

The game has had enumerous iterations, I’ve added stuff, removed stuff, altered stuff, developed upon stuff, you name it but there was something that I overlooked, the boats, at the moment (before I push the fixes) if you play and you buy boats you don’t get anything from them, apart from friends, but you spend the gold on a canoe and all you get is a friend, it’s a lot but not on this game… which means theres no use for them and they aren’t being used at all, kinda like you bought them and theyre just at the port waiting for the day you have access to it. Because at the moment thats exactly what happens, until you get the port none of your boats can fish but if you get the port you can actually start sending them to sea to fish and everything else.

The fix is implemented already but not live, at the moment you already buy a boat and it automatically assigns the fisherman to it and sends it to sea on loop. Goes to the sea, fishes, comes to land, unloads and goes back fishing, that at least until you buy a Port, after that you can manage your boats and what each of them does. But how crazy that I forgot about that part of the game, It’s not like I never noticed I did, I just never payed enough attention to it and saw how to fix it until someone mentioned it on the reddit comment. It’s all good now but I’m afraid at what else is actually missing.

Going back to showing you some buildings and what they do and why, I’m bringin you the settings and journal buildings, some of the most boring but also some of the most essential, with that I mean the following.


They aren’t essential but they’re pretty darn important, unless you scatter the controls over other places of the page and refuse to have a settings part this is where you’ll control all aspects of your game. From saving to exporting, importing and reseting it to start over, you can also mute or make the clicking sound louder if you wish, I really like it but I was afraid some wouldn’t and some would also not like the volume at which I set it at default. Theres also a dark mode and a button that brings you to these blog posts. Theres isn’t alot and it isn’t the prettiest but I think it has the essential and what most people need and want, I plan on redoing a bit of its design since I don’t like the way the sound settings are but that’s work for another day.

settings building with all its glorious settings (NOT!)


Heres the part where essential isn’t really how you describe it but I find it really nice and fascinating, when games show you all the cool stats. I plan on multiplying the amount of stats you can see here, this is just the bare minimum but it’s something, all the gold you’ve had and all the fish, with that all the other achievements you’ve reached and how many of which. I don’t really think this is has cool has it can be so I won’t make it sound like I do, but yeah, have some nice settings and get fasnicated with some numbers.

journal building with all the buildings and items you can have showing

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