Monday Material #3 - this a grind house

Published at Oct 2, 2023

T minus 4 days until I ask for feedback on reddit, not a big deal just wanna make sure I can post it confidently even knowing there will be bugs.

This week is full throttle, want to be able to make the post and not have people catching bugs that I’ve catched before, they will catch bugs, lots of them for sure but at least be it some I haven’t encountered, I don’t expect much from the feedback, might even post and not get any feedback but that’s how it is, right place right time, will keep posting, can’t really cross my arms and say I did it once and nothing happend.

The last week there wasn’t much progress, the week was super busy and didn’t really have time to make much, but this week is the oposite I’m on vacation and will take advantage of that to develop has much has I can.

At the moment the following buildings need work:

  • Upgrades
  • Aquaculture
  • Port
  • Shipyard
  • Research
  • Betting

Some will take me a couple hours to fully fix others more, there are some small bugs to fix and there are entire features yet to develop, I feel confident that I can deliver something,— nothing much, but something, don’t expect much and not much will disappoint you.

Statistical Institute

At the moment this is the last building you can get, it shows you the progress of your fish and gold through time, its a informative building but extremely neat and with the hability for future additions, all sorts of statistics will be hosted here, like how many clicks has a player done, how many buildings has he clicked, how many times has he saved the game, all you can think off, none of those ideas are implemented yet but they’re in the pipeline, they’re something I’m looking forward too since it involves a lot of different analytics gathering and with all the done in house, I dont plan on using analytics tools (at least cloud ones) for that sort of stuff, just wanna make it a game gimmick. statistical office with fish and gold growth overtime in line chart graphs


With this building I intended to create a sort of passive earner, you just let it be and the fish will basically multiply themselves, the pools will fill and you can just collect them all and sell them, there will be future automations has there will be with for most of the features but for now you have to collect the fish yourself from all your pools, you can have multiple and you can upgrade their size so you can let the fish multiply for longer without it getting filled up. aquaculture building which shows the user their pools and the state of each one, allowing the user to collect the fish, destroy the pools, buy new pools and upgrade existing ones

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