Monday Material #2 - Why we're here

Published at Sep 25, 2023

Giving you more information on what you’re reading about, larryfisherman (the one I’m making and refering too here and not the alter ego) is a incremental/tycoon game where you start off with nothing but the ability to fish and sell those fish for gold, from there you can buy and upgrade tools or buildings to make your fishing more efficient, you go from fishing with your bare hand to having fleets of boats that mass fish, huge aquaculture pools and cargo boats to sell your pornographic amount of fish, you start having to manage all of it but get some break’s along the way allowing you delegate most of the management to managers, it’s about getting more fish and more going and doing it better.

These blog posts are about the game, you’ll learn about features, why I made them the way I make them and my thought process to reach them, its a way for me to showcase features before releasing, having a way to talk with the players and getting a chance to create an audience that can look forward to updates and features. I’m still getting the hang of this (this being my second post), writing is something new to me and I’m never sure if I should write more about each building and functionalities or just keep it short and do some basic explanation of the work in progress and upcoming features, because at the moment I’m trying to get you to have a sense of the game and how it works and I’m afraid of over explaining stuff and coming off has filler content or just plain boring.

Now that you’re all caught up, lets get to the features.

Management Offices

Management Offices have been implemented to centralize all the secondary toggles so the players doesn’t have to be changing buildings more than they should and can just organize all their buildings state and sellers on a single page, not everything will be manageable here but single tasks that don’t make sense to add to their own building will, if they weren’t the player would have to be changing buildings that sole purpose would be to have one toggle button the player rarely presses, there are some more tweaking to be done on the design and there will be one or two more toggles and controls added to that buildings but for now its a nice management office to get some management done.

management offices building at the moment in development which has restaurant and store toggles to start and stop them from working and emmployee controls to increase or decrease the amount of sellers you have active

Buy / Store

The player will look forward to this building the most in the start and mid game, this is were all the new purchases appear and where you can read all about them, I’ve made it so purchases appear has you progress and not all at once in the beginning in an attempt to not overwhelm the players and make a clear path of progression, by the end game there will only be three or four purchases left, which will be “consumables”, for example like bait, employees and resources, you can buy has many has you want or can afford. I’ll talk more about the resources you see in the bottom in a upcoming monday facts, where well go over building stuff instead of just buying it.

buy/store building showing a 'mid' game state with the option to purchase a shipyard and a research institute and well has resources (wood, metal and fiber)

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