Monday Material #1 - Let's see how high this rocket can fly, partner
Published at Sep 18, 2023
Jumping straight into the game development and progress part, I’ll write about the game and what is this all about in the coming monday materials, but for now I want to get the actual develoment progress out instead.
T-minus 2 weeks and 4 days until I post about the game on reddit, theres multiple functionalities missing and I’ve put myself the goal to post for feedback for the last couple of weeks but always end up not doing it, so this is a way to also keep me accountable, the missing features and bugs are somewhat game breaking which doesn’t allow me to just post what I got at the moment, there will be some functionalities missing by the time I post on reddit but I hope that I can get some feedback and end up polishing and correcting the game to a stable state and gathering some attention along the way.
At the moment the live game is way behind what I have developed and will show you on this post, meaning that you couldn’t even play with these features if you wanted to.
The worst non breaking game part at the moment is the balancing, theres no real organization or sense in the game progression values, I just kept throwing numbers at it while I was developing and hoping that they wouldn’t be too outlandish. I dont really have a clear plan on how to fix it and what needs to be done to reach the balanced state, it’ll have to be trial and error.
I’ll go in depth on a game functionality on each monday material, teaching you about the game and the reasons that made me make such choices and not others.
Right now I’m working on the investments expanding feature allowing the player to see check how many times their investment has capitalized on, also thinking about ways to expand the bank building.
Shipyard / Port

- This image is from the old shipyard that is now the used in the Port interface.
While that I’ve been working on the shipyard and port differences, functionalities and UI making the shipyard for buying and building boats and the port to manage their state.
- This is the new shipyard interface where im currently working on, where the player will buy and build new boats.
I wish to work on the betting page in the coming weeks since I foresee a lot of work coming from it. But it is also a really confusing and out of line logic to program and plan so I keep kicking the can down the road.
I don’t have much time before the reddit post is made so every progress I can make better be important and focused, see you next week with new info and new developemnts (I hope).